by order No. 1/06 dated 01.06.2024


These Accommodation Rules are developed in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation.

These rules may be amended and supplemented.


1.1. Check-in time – from 14:00 local time. Check-out time (check-out time) – until 12:00 local time.

1.2. Guaranteed early check-in – check-in from 06:00 to 14:00 paid in advance by the Guest. Guaranteed late check-out – check-out after check-out time; subject to payment from 12:00 to 18:00 – half the cost of the current day, after 18:00 – full day payment.

1.3. Quiet time – from 22:00 to 08:00.

1.4. Guest (consumer) – an individual temporarily residing at the Hotel.

1.5. Visitor – a person invited by the Guest and not residing at the Hotel.

1.6. The Hotel uses dynamic pricing.

1.7. The room stock includes 23 (twenty-three) rooms. The guest must not exceed the maximum capacity of the booked room.


2.1. The Hotel may reserve a room for the Guest in advance. The following types of booking are applicable:

- guaranteed booking – the Hotel awaits the Guest until 12:00 noon on the day following the day of scheduled arrival, subject to timely prepayment (advance payment). Guaranteed booking is subject to advance payment (advance payment) of at least the daily cost of the booked room.

- non-guaranteed booking – the Hotel awaits the Guest until 5:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. In the absence of feedback from the Guest, the Hotel may sell the room at its own discretion.

2.2. The Hotel has the following periods:

- "High Season" - from 01.05 to 30.09, as well as the New Year period from 29.12 to 07.01, holidays in the Russian Federation;

- "Low Season" - from 01.10 to 30.04, with the exception of holidays and business events of federal and local importance that fall during this period.

2.3. During the "High Season" and holidays, a room can only be assigned to a Guest on the condition of a guaranteed reservation, i.e. with an advance payment of at least the daily cost of the room.

During the "Low Season", both guaranteed and non-guaranteed reservations are allowed at the Guest's discretion. If part of the reservation falls on the "High Season" or a holiday, then the rules of guaranteed reservation apply to the entire period.

For group bookings (3 or more rooms), the guaranteed booking rule applies regardless of the booking period, the prepayment amount (advance payment) is set individually.

2.4. The Hotel accepts booking requests:

- by phone +7 911 038 98 95 (in messengers); 8 (812) 618-61-88;
- on the official website of the Hotel
- through online hotel booking services;
- by email
- by personal contact with the Receptionist at the Hotel.

2.5. The Guest's offer, consent, cancellation or change of booking is possible only using the means of communication specified by the Guest in the application (phone and/or email).

2.6. The booking can be cancelled by the Guest. Cancellation of a guaranteed reservation without withholding reimbursement of the Hotel's expenses is possible in the "High Season" 7 (seven) days before arrival, in the "Low Season" - 3 (three) days before arrival.

2.7. In case of no-show of the Guest on a guaranteed reservation, the Hotel retains the cost of the first day of stay, the contract for the provision of hotel services is terminated from the day following the day of check-in, the reservation is cancelled.

2.8. The refund of the prepayment (advance payment) received by the Hotel for a guaranteed reservation, minus any deductions, in the event of a no-show, late cancellation of the reservation, or late notification of the Hotel about the reduction of the period of stay, is returned by the Hotel upon the Guest's application to the account from which the prepayment was received.

2.9. For reservations made at special rates (as part of Promotions, Special Offers), the terms of payment, changes and cancellation of the reservation may differ. At the same time, the terms of payment, changes and cancellation of the reservation in such offers prevail over the terms set out in these Accommodation Rules. The rules for cancellation of the reservation may be revised during business and cultural events of federal and local significance.

2.10. The hotel has a daily payment for accommodation.

In case of late check-out of the Guest (agreed with the Hotel), the payment for accommodation is charged in the following order (based on the rate for the next day):

- for check-out from 12:00 to 18:00 – payment for half a day;
- for check-out after 18:00 – payment for a full day.

Early check-in is paid in the following order (based on the rate set on the day of arrival):
- for a full day for check-in from 00:00 to 06:00;
- for half a day for check-in from 06:00 to 14:00.

3.1. The Receptionist receives Guests 24 hours a day.

3.2. Check-in is from 14:00. Early check-in is possible upon agreement with the Hotel after 6 o'clock, subject to payment of half the cost of accommodation set on the date of check-in.

3.3. The Hotel carries out registration and migration records of Guests. To check in, each Guest must present an identity document to the Receptionist:

- general civil passport;
- birth certificate of the Russian Federation for persons under 14 years of age;
- foreign passport for persons permanently residing in the territory of a foreign state (with a mark on permanent residence, issuing authority - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia);
- for foreign citizens: passport, visa (RVP or Residence Permit), migration card.

Accommodation of minors under 14 years of age is carried out on the basis of identity documents of their parents (adoptive parents, guardians), accompanying person(s), subject to the provision of consent of legal representatives (one of them), as well as the birth certificate of these minors.

Accommodation of minors who have reached the age of 14, in the absence of legal representatives next to them, is carried out on the basis of identity documents of these minors, as well as the provision of consent of legal representatives (one of them).

The Hotel does not accept scans or copies of identity documents, and does not accommodate Guests without the originals of the above documents.

3.4. Upon check-in, the Guest familiarizes himself with the Rules in force on the territory of the Hotel, signs the registration card.

3.5. Check-in to the room is carried out after payment for the entire period of stay. In case of a long stay of the Guest, daily payment is possible, but one day in advance.

When paying in cash or non-cash using a card through a terminal, the Hotel issues a cash receipt, a preliminary invoice at the request of the Guest. When paying by bank transfer, the act is drawn up upon the Guest's check-out with the documents sent to the Customer (the person who paid for the accommodation). Until the payment (bank transfer) is received on the Hotel account, the Guest does not check in, the Hotel does not accept scans/copies of payment documents as confirmation of payment.

3.6. Before registration and payment, the Guest has the right to inspect the room provided by the Hotel.

3.7. Upon completion of the check-in, the Guests are given an electronic key to the room, at the request of the Guest, a second (third) key can be issued depending on the number of Guests registered in the room.

3.8. If the Guest refuses to stay within the first day after check-in, the payment made for the first day is non-refundable. The payment can be refunded in full only if the Guest has not used the room at all and has informed of the refusal of accommodation within an hour from the moment of registration.
3.9. The price of accommodation includes:

- buffet breakfast from 08:00 to 11:00 (on weekends until 11:30);
- daily cleaning of the room and change of towels;
- change of bed linen once every three days (or at the request of the Guest once every two days);
- toiletries and cosmetics, bottled water, complimentary tea are replenished as used, but not more than 1 (one) time per full day of stay;
- use of wireless Internet;
- visit to the tea room 24/7 on the premises of the Hotel (coffee, assorted tea, pastries, ice cream).

When paying for an early check-in (from 00:00 to 06:00) in the amount of the cost of a full day, the Guest is provided with breakfast and room cleaning on the day of arrival.

When paying for an early check-in from 06:00 to 14:00 in the amount of half the cost of a day, breakfast and room cleaning on the day of check-in at the hotel are provided at the Guest's request for an additional fee.

The cost of an additional breakfast in accordance with the price list.

The cost of additional room cleaning (from 14:00 to 20:30) - according to the price list, while bed linen is changed according to the schedule, an unscheduled change of linen, at the Guest's request, is paid additionally in accordance with the price list.

3.10. The Hotel provides the Guest with the following at no extra charge:

- calling an ambulance and taxi;
- first aid kit;
- delivery of correspondence to the room;
- wake-up call at a certain time;
- iron - for limited use, dishes;
- a cot for children under 3 years old upon prior request, if such a possibility is available.

3.11. Upon check-out (vacation of the room), the Guest hands over the electronic key to the Receptionist. The key is blocked at the check-out time.

3.12. Late check-out, i.e. check-out between 12:00 and 18:00, is possible upon prior agreement with the Hotel, subject to payment of half the cost of accommodation for the next day.

3.13. If the Guest does not vacate the room on the day of departure at the check-out time and there is no feedback from the Guest within an hour (confirmation is calls and messages to the mobile number specified in the Guest's booking card), the Hotel has the right, in the presence of the commission and using video recording equipment, to make an inventory of the Guest's things in the room, pack them and move them to the luggage room for storage.

3.14. The Guest notifies the Receptionist of early departure (shortening the length of stay) no later than 24 hours before departure. In case of untimely warning, the Hotel has the right to withhold the actual expenses incurred during the final settlement.


4.1. Due to the fact that the Hotel is a cultural heritage site, public areas (hotel lobby, stairways) are accessible to persons who are not Hotel guests, but subject to prior agreement with the hotel administration. However, access to the hotel rooms and travel to the Hotel territory is limited.

4.2. Only one parking space is provided per room in the common courtyard of the residential building, subject to availability. Parking in the courtyard is not guarded. Access to the parking lot is limited. Parking is free for the Guest. The hotel is not responsible for the safety of the Guest's vehicle.

4.3. There is a pass and internal regime on the Hotel territory.

4.4. Extension of the Guest's stay for a fee is possible only after agreement and contacting the Receptionist no later than 10:00 on the day of departure. In the absence of agreement, the Guest is obliged to vacate the room before check-out time on the day of departure.

4.5. The Hotel may change the room at the Guest's request, subject to reimbursement of additional expenses.

4.6. Visits to rooms by persons not staying at the Hotel are permitted from 08:00 to 22:00 after preliminary registration in the visitor's log. Preliminary registration at the personal request of the Guest is carried out by the Receptionist on the basis of an identity document.

4.7. A visitor remaining in the room after 22:00 is obliged to register as a Guest, if the room's capacity allows it, and pay an additional cost of accommodation according to the current price list.

4.8. Use of the tea room as a meeting place with a visitor is permitted after breakfast.

4.9. The Guest must immediately contact the Receptionist in the event of loss of the electronic key to the room or upon discovery of loss, shortage or damage to his/her belongings.

4.10. The following is PROHIBITED in the Hotel:

- storing large items in the room, the size of which exceeds 120x120 cm, flammable materials, explosives, other substances and items, the circulation of which is prohibited and limited in accordance with the current legislation;

- rearranging furniture and inventory in the room, public areas of the Hotel, repairing them, opening and otherwise manipulating them outside the normal use for their intended purpose;

- using non-standard electric heating devices;

- creating noise with your actions exceeding the permissible norms, both during the day and at night;

- smoking in the room and on the territory of the Hotel, with the exception of the balcony of the tea room (3rd floor);

- smoking on the balcony of the cafeteria during breakfast hours - from 08:00 to 11:30;

- swearing obscenely in public places, drinking alcoholic beverages in public places;

- live with pets;

- violate the silence regime from 22:00 to 08:00, talk loudly, listen to music, including using the car horn.

4.11. The Guest is OBLIGED to:

- comply with the established rules of accommodation in the Hotel, fire safety rules, safety regulations, requirements of the internal facility and access control regimes;

- turn off electrical appliances, close the water taps, lock the room when leaving the room;

- keep public areas clean;

- immediately inform the Hotel recepyionist of any damage, malfunctions, faults and abnormal situations in the room or public areas of the Hotel that he/she becomes aware of.

4.12. The hotel has a maximum stay of 90 days.

4.13. During the stay, the Guest can use additional paid services of the Hotel and third parties.


5.1. The Hotel is not responsible for the loss of money, jewelry and other valuables of the Guest that are not stored in the safe. Each room is equipped with an individual safe.

The Hotel is also not responsible for things in the room if the Guest loses the electronic key to the room.

5.2. The Hotel will immediately inform the Guest about forgotten things in the room after check-out. The Guest is responsible for the costs of sending forgotten things.

The Hotel stores forgotten things for 6 months. After the specified time, the Hotel will dispose of the things at its own discretion.

5.3. The Guest is obliged to compensate the Hotel for the damage caused to the property, and the Hotel will draw up a property damage report.

5.4. Damage caused to the Hotel due to violation of the smoking ban by the Guest or his visitor is expressed in the cost of dry cleaning of textiles to eliminate the smell, daily downtime of the room and amounts to 7,500 (seven thousand five hundred) rubles.

5.5. In cases where it is impossible to assess the amount of damage upon departure of the Guest (for example, flooding or fire in the room due to the fault of the Guest and/or his visitor), a preliminary act with a description and partial assessment of the damage is drawn up. The full assessment of the cost of damage is determined on the basis of the cost of services/work to eliminate all the consequences of damage, about which the Hotel draws up a final act and sends it to the Guest along with an invoice for payment. If the Guest does not compensate the damage to the Hotel within 20 days, the debt is subject to collection in court.

5.6. The Hotel is not responsible for the safety of a car left in the courtyard.

5.7. The Hotel has the right to refuse service to the Guest if the generally accepted norms of behavior are not observed and the rules of residence at the Hotel are not observed.
© 2019-2024 Galunov Hotel
Tax ID 7842135097
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